Nowhere to Somewhere

This beautiful flower has popped up in my garden and it wasn’t planted by me. It sits all alone on a sunny cold day among the sleepy planted flowers that are taking their time to wake up. 

It seems on this particular day all the birds are out and they are super noisy. Chirping, singing, and generally being birds. But sometimes I wonder about them and what they’re up to.

Later in the day, I check on this newcomer and notice it has closed its petals as if it is cold, and getting ready for evening. How animated you are. Where did you come from? But I remind myself that there is always mischief going on in my garden.

In this troubled world I like to think that this little stranger from nowhere ended up in the somewhere of my garden to remind me that better days are ahead and there is always     “HOPE.”

“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all.” ~ Emily Dickinson

Put a Smile Out

Have you ever thought about smiles?

They are very powerful.

A smile says to a complete stranger, “Have a good day.”

Smiles spread acceptance all over the place.

There’s a special warmth about a smile that makes everyone feel good when they see it.

Like hugs, a smile helps to ease hurts and stress.

One of the best parts is that smiles are free to give and feel so good to do.

Smiles simply say, “My Spirit sees your Spirit.” That’s pretty cool.

Have you ever noticed how flowers seem to smile on a spring day?

I’ve written about smiles before, but the world seems to be getting harder and the distance between us wider, so I think we all need a little reminder.


What we are seeking in life is right there inside of us, and always has been. We are so trained by society to look outside ourselves, but seldom does that really work for long. Outside is loud and full of material things leaving us exhausted, confused, and sometimes in despair.

It’s the simple things in life that bring us joy and peace. We should try and go where they are. We find them in nature, the people we love and those around us that make us smile and laugh. We find it in food and sharing, and the kindness we put out in the world.

Our quest is through mindfulness, and meditation. This way we can connect with our Spirit and find our true selves. It is only when we escape from the madding world that we can connect and understand the path to our seeking.

It’s easier and more familiar to look outside for answers even though we know it’s futile. It can be harder to go inside. But with practice going inside will get easier, and the rewards so worth it.

During this holiday season when stress pops up, try and find some quiet time and connect with your Spirit and find the path to your seeking.

“What you seek is Seeking you.” ~ Rumi

Pollution of Hate

Can our Earth feel the hate screaming around the world? I believe so. We have forgotten Earth and abused her in unspeakable ways. Now hate is mixing with all the other human pollution. What happens to the planet happens to us.

Each of us—I hope, tries to do their best in being good citizens of Earth by checking ourselves so we don’t keep adding to the overall pollution. But climate experts have said that her vital signs aren’t looking so good. How we’ve been treating one another has not been helping her to get better.  

All the hate which leads to our mental and physical decline and even death, adds to the stress and pollution on our Earth. We are so connected to this mother that she feels what we feel. And we’re not feeling swell. We really need to be checking ourselves daily on this one.

I believe that we humans are the worst thing to ever happen to this planet, but here we are. If we are to survive then we have to change, and that includes how we behave toward other beings. No one deserves to be marginalized. All beings have a right to exist—yes, even humans and raccoons (the two I’m not sure about). The sooner we realize this, the healthier Earth will be. Think of a future where we exchange meanness for compassion. Trade fear for wisdom. Earth will pick up on all this love and along with us doing a better job with all the other pollution, she will respond accordingly. Maybe, there’s still a chance we won’t become extinct.  Wow, wouldn’t that be something.

Okay, I’m off my soapbox, and I’m going into nature which is the only place right now that makes any sense to me.

“Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.”

~Albert Einstein

Natural World

If you want to be alone and slip into silence, sit with nature.

If you want to become a better listener, observe wildlife as they observe you, and understand without hearing words spoken.

Ask any plant how it’s doing and it will always reply in its own way.

Pay attention. Learn. Become one with the natural world. It is here to guide us, and it’s the only world that makes any sense. 

“It is a serious thing just to be alive on this fresh morning in this broken world.”~ Mary Oliver

You Take My Breath Away

So tiny, and yet, you always have such an impact on me, especially when you pop up so unexpectedly.

I mean, who would have thought that right on the day that I was feeling so sad about the death of Max, a most precious dog, that you would show up practically making your way right into my face!

I guess some might say that wasn’t what you were doing because you were obviously enjoying the stream of water from the hose that I was holding, and you were trying to communicate to raise it higher, but I think you were doing more than that.

You were trying to get closer and closer to my face like you had something important to tell me. And when you flew away, I was left with a feeling of peace, and somehow I knew I didn’t have to be sad anymore.

But, it was a hot day, so there’s that.

Every time you fly up to me you leave me with an out of this world spiritual feeling. It’s as if you are trying so hard to give me important information that there are no words for.

And each time you visit, you take my breath away.

Maybe hummingbirds are tiny little angels flying around with the mission to guide us.

Nature has many secrets.

My Map

Trying to sleep.

No luck.

Those pesky thoughts of things gone by

keep swirling In my mind.

Some are good, but many are bad.

How to stop them taking command.

They are uninvited guests for sure.

But …

do I have this all wrong?

Maybe they’re nothing to fear.

Just a map of my life so far

showing me where I’ve been

and where I need to be.

The Door

In the mind there is a door that leads to a secret room where regrets are stored.

It’s said, “Don’t open that door.”

Sometimes the curious nature of humans causes the door to be opened just a little bit.

What happens then is chaos and utter misery.

I say, “Open that damn door and let the regrets be Free.”

Without negative energy, regrets become life lessons learned,

And simply blow away in the breeze.

Emotional Triggers

I think we all have experienced getting emotionally overwhelmed from time to time, and sometimes we act out. It’s not good for us or anyone else if we do that. So, what should we do? A deep dive into what triggers our emotional response is the first step. Some can do this alone and others may need professional help. We are not alone. There is always help.

Once the triggers are identified then set a plan to keep away from them, or more realistically, learn techniques to handle these emotional responses.  Some of these techniques could be creating some space by walking away even for a few minutes. Try concentrating on breathing and being mindful of how the body is feeling. Sometimes petting or cuddling an animal can bring calm feelings. I’ve heard putting your hands in water and focusing on the feeling is very relaxing. And taking a walk and connecting to nature is a great way to clear the head. Find what works for you. And don’t forget to get enough sleep. The body so needs that rest and escape from the world.

That deep dive into the mind of why we get emotionally triggered is the most important step we can do for our self care.  Don’t ignore negative feelings. They won’t go away without positive action. We all need a little help to live a balanced and happy life.

“Empty yourself of everything – let the mind become still.” ~ Lao Tzu