Pollution of Hate

Can our Earth feel the hate screaming around the world? I believe so. We have forgotten Earth and abused her in unspeakable ways. Now hate is mixing with all the other human pollution. What happens to the planet happens to us.

Each of us—I hope, tries to do their best in being good citizens of Earth by checking ourselves so we don’t keep adding to the overall pollution. But climate experts have said that her vital signs aren’t looking so good. How we’ve been treating one another has not been helping her to get better.  

All the hate which leads to our mental and physical decline and even death, adds to the stress and pollution on our Earth. We are so connected to this mother that she feels what we feel. And we’re not feeling swell. We really need to be checking ourselves daily on this one.

I believe that we humans are the worst thing to ever happen to this planet, but here we are. If we are to survive then we have to change, and that includes how we behave toward other beings. No one deserves to be marginalized. All beings have a right to exist—yes, even humans and raccoons (the two I’m not sure about). The sooner we realize this, the healthier Earth will be. Think of a future where we exchange meanness for compassion. Trade fear for wisdom. Earth will pick up on all this love and along with us doing a better job with all the other pollution, she will respond accordingly. Maybe, there’s still a chance we won’t become extinct.  Wow, wouldn’t that be something.

Okay, I’m off my soapbox, and I’m going into nature which is the only place right now that makes any sense to me.

“Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.”

~Albert Einstein


“The earth has music for those who listen.” ~ Shakespeare

We are all just visitors here on planet Earth, and how long we will stay no one knows. But like all good visitors we should remember our manners and always be respectful and kind.

Visitors should always clean up after themselves, never trashing and polluting the area they reside. It’s always the responsibility of the visitor to take great care and pride and leave things in pristine condition so the beauty of the environment can shine through.

We humans are not the only beings visiting Earth. There are many creatures we share this place with. It’s all about living in harmony so we don’t disturb the delicate balance this place depends on. That’s why walking gently is so important. That’s why every action can have great consequences. Even the actions of how humans treat one another.

It may sound like a big burden having to be so careful while we’re here, but it’s not. It’s just common sense. When we are good to this planet the planet will be good to us.

Go outside and connect to Mother Nature. Breathe in the fresh air. See the beauty all around you. Fertile ground, flowers, trees, fresh streams, rivers and oceans. So much for the eyes to take in. These are the gifts, and so much more, this planet gives to us in return.

So before we depart from our wonderful visit, let’s make sure we’ve done a good job keeping our Earth safe, because we were a part of this sacred place while we were here.

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” ~ Albert Einstein

The Goodness of Humans

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” ~ Mother Teresa

Sometimes we humans are mean, greedy and petty, with a penchant for violence. But when a catastrophe comes along such as Mother Nature being unhinged, we all come together in a beautiful union.

Calamity brings out the best in us. It brings out our true Spirits of love and caring humans here on this planet to help one another. This is a good thing because in times of disaster we certainly need to join forces for survival.

We are in survival everyday on this planet; we just don’t know it. Our Earth could be wiped out in a second. So instead of raising fists, or guns into the air, or being right or left, or actually thinking we are better than our neighbor because of skin color etc., how about coming together as one making life good for all.

Think of all the good things we could do if we took all that negative energy that’s fueled by the fear of losing who we think we are and turned it around to all things positive. If we came together the way we do when disaster comes a knocking, think of all we could accomplish in our world.

There is so much goodness in humans. We just need to grow up, get over ourselves and let it flow out.  We need to finally learn the lessons of life.

“The idea of karma is that you continually get the teachings that you need to open your heart.” ~ Pema Chodron

It’s Time


Yes, it’s time for Peace.

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know Peace.” ~ Jimi Hendrix

But peace won’t come until real Change starts to happen, and we can actually feel and see it taking shape.

“You have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”
~ Harriet Tubman

Something will still be missing for peace to come and that is Healing.

“There is force in the universe, which if we permit it, will flow through us and produce miraculous results.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

This force is the Healing we and our planet so need before peace will come.

Change, Healing, Peace. This will be hard for some because it’s a different way of thinking and living.

Start by emptying all the misinformation stuck in the brain that has been passed on from generation to generation. Look at life with a new perspective. Practice forgiveness, acceptance and humility. Open the door and let love in to banish hate for good. And get rid of fear. Many times when we don’t understand something or someone we fear it and pass on negative judgments.

Just like the picture of the flowering strawberries above, we too are ready for renewal that will lead us to Peace. So let’s begin.

Get Over It


“Whatever we can’t love or accept in another, is a mirror of something we can’t love or accept in ourselves.”
~ Brenda Shoshanna

It’s 2020 and some of us still have trouble getting along and accepting one another no matter what color our skin or what religion we happen to be. Really? It’s getting exhausting don’t you think? It’s not rocket science that we humans all have a right to be on planet Earth, along with all the other beings.

We humans are supposed to be the guardians of our planet, but how are we supposed to do that if we can’t even care for one another? There is no superior race; we are the human race, simple as that. There is no right or superior religion. Everyone should believe, or not believe whatever they want. No one has all the right answers, or for that matter, any answers. In truth, we are all just trying to figure it out.

Whatever pompous reason some think they have to hate and not trust, or causes some to feel they are better, just stop it. I say, try opening your arms and be accepting for all our beautiful differences. Diversity rocks, and we need one another to survive.

“We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.”
~ Dr. Seuss

If this is what it takes, then let’s all be a little weird, and get over it and live in peace.

Open Up


The beauty of nature can cure even the grumpiness of days. Get outside, breathe in the sweet air, and if you’re lucky, the sun will plant a great big kiss on your face. Feel the trees embracing you as they do a swing dance in the breeze. What about those silly flowers? Well, they’re busy laughing and telling the bees all the latest gossip and perhaps a few of the secrets you keep.

Come on, open yourself up to nature and go play… at least for a day.

Tiny Puzzle Pieces


“When we see others as the enemy we risk becoming what we hate. When we oppress others, we end up oppressing ourselves. All of our humanity is dependent upon recognizing the humanity in others.”  ~ Desmond Tutu

Each of us possesses a piece of the puzzle to make humanity work and save our planet. Great and small minds alike have ideas that can work; we just don’t know we have such a thing hidden deep inside us.

Overcrowding, pollution of all kinds, hatred, greed, evil ideologies, etc., we do have the answers to solve. It just takes a strong desire and a pulling together. Maybe that’s our calling and why we are here on Planet Earth.

The only thing we have to fear is the fear inside of us and the fear and mistrust we have for one another. The only way to combat this fear is acceptance. We need to get over our prejudices, superiorities, judgments, and all around memes in our minds.

Find out what your tiny puzzle piece can do to make a difference. Crafting great letters to your representatives, writing articles to inform and educate, volunteering for cleanups, volunteering for anything, asking your neighbors not to use poisons on their lawns and plants, watching out for each other, and just being kind to all beings.

If we don’t come together with a tiny piece of the puzzle and start making changes we might all be doomed. Dig deep and find your power. A little bit here, a little bit there, it all will make a difference.

Let’s all walk gentle upon our Earth and feel the need to protect her and all the beings that live here, including the crazy humans. If we don’t, who will?

“The Earth is just not our environment. We are the Earth and the Earth is us. We have always been one with the Earth.” ~Thich Nhat Han


Ignorance produces fear and fear produces hate. We fear what we don’t understand, and we become ignorant when we don’t take the time to educate ourselves so we can understand.

Stop letting ignorance drive you to hate because hate will ultimately destroy all of us and this beautiful place we call Earth.

“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

~ Martin Luther King, Jr.


It’s spring and all is awakening and new… are you?

This is your time to start fresh and throw the old habits far, far, away.

As you awaken do you feel nature nudging you?

Nature too is feeling all anew, and is in full force so depending on you… will you be there?

Perfection is overrated, and maybe you shouldn’t be trying to place it in nature. So, can you give up the green, green, lawn and the perfect of perfect roses?

Don’t try and control, but instead, just flow.

If nature can live with imperfection, so can you, you know?

Let’s give up the toxins used to create an imposed utopia and live in balance with flora and fauna.

Our planet is fragile you see, and we all need to walk upon it carefully.

So this is your time to awaken and be new, and to also protect the Earth that is feeding you.

“Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.”

~ Thich Nhat Hanh