Be Still

“Wisdom comes with the ability to be still. Just look and just listen. No more is needed.” ~ Echart Tolle

Take a few minutes out of your busy day and just be still. Breathe deeply, and take in your life. This is all there really is. Just you in this body being still.

It doesn’t matter who you’ve become, how rich or poor you are, or if anyone cares you are even here. What matters is that you feel your life and know it’s a gift to be treasured.

Life is fleeting. Here today, gone tomorrow. You’re on a journey that has an end date, so as you’re being still, listen to your Spirit and allow it to guide you through the doors you are meant to open.  Feel love and give love and be who you are. You are that beautiful deep essence of existence.

“Be happy for no reason like a child.” ~ Deepak Chopra

The Sweet Spot


“The place between your comfort zone and your dream is where life takes place.” ~ Helen Keller

Life can sometimes become so hectic even crazy that we can begin to feel we’re not really living, just existing like shadows of our former selves. When this happens we need to start living between the spaces of our life.

There is a space between the situation that is happening, or one we fear is going to happen, and how we are reacting to it. That space between the two is the stillness and the balance where we should be living. It’s the place to be when life gets out of control and we start stressing.

“When you let go, you create space for better things to enter into your life.” ~ Steve Maraboli

When we’re not trying to live in that chaotic zone of our life, we are better able to move forward and have the life we really want. We become more creative, joyful, and feel gratitude for life.

When feeling stressed try closing your eyes. Now take a deep breath through your nose and exhale softly through your mouth. Visualize the problem. See your negative reaction to the problem. Imagine a large space between the two. See yourself going into that space and feel the calm and balance washing over you. This is your sweet spot where your life is meant to be lived.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response, lies our growth and our freedom.”

~ Viktor Frankl, Auschwitz survivor

Find that power and start living a more balanced and happy life.


Are you feeling lost? Sometimes that just seems to happen, but don’t despair, you will soon get back on track somewhere. Become very still, silent, letting all thoughts cramming through your brain dissolve into nothingness. Let yourself bond with nature through a window, or find a door and move yourself right out.

In nature is where you’ll find your lost yearning little self. It’s hiding in the trees along the busy highway. It’s sleeping in the flowers, or being carried by that bumblebee. Hey, that squirrel over there scurrying along the leaves just found it! Hurry before he buries it deep beneath the earth.

You are somewhere floating in the streams, or lakes, and can even be found roaring in the ocean waves. Look up, and see your lost self in the sky just hanging out with the clouds so free.

I think that soon you will come to realize that you are never really lost. You are always somewhere simply waiting to connect. Still doubting? Then by all means go outside and you will see that you, my friend, are part of everything!


Marvel into the stillness of your life. Let the silence envelop all of you, and feel the presentness of peace that is yours for all time.

Happy Holidays to all of you!

“Wisdom comes with the ability to be still. Just look and just listen. No more is needed. Being still, looking, and listening activates the non-conceptual intelligence within you. Let stillness direct your words and actions.” ~ Eckhart Tolle