The Sweet Spot


“The place between your comfort zone and your dream is where life takes place.” ~ Helen Keller

Life can sometimes become so hectic even crazy that we can begin to feel we’re not really living, just existing like shadows of our former selves. When this happens we need to start living between the spaces of our life.

There is a space between the situation that is happening, or one we fear is going to happen, and how we are reacting to it. That space between the two is the stillness and the balance where we should be living. It’s the place to be when life gets out of control and we start stressing.

“When you let go, you create space for better things to enter into your life.” ~ Steve Maraboli

When we’re not trying to live in that chaotic zone of our life, we are better able to move forward and have the life we really want. We become more creative, joyful, and feel gratitude for life.

When feeling stressed try closing your eyes. Now take a deep breath through your nose and exhale softly through your mouth. Visualize the problem. See your negative reaction to the problem. Imagine a large space between the two. See yourself going into that space and feel the calm and balance washing over you. This is your sweet spot where your life is meant to be lived.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response, lies our growth and our freedom.”

~ Viktor Frankl, Auschwitz survivor

Find that power and start living a more balanced and happy life.

Random Acts of Kindness

Many of us in the US are still in shock since the election. And now Thanksgiving is on its way. Some of you may wonder, “What do I have to be thankful for?” It’s hard for so many of us to see our country go the way of evil and hatred. It seems like an unthinkable, horrible, nightmare where there’s no escaping. This new incoming administration makes me think of the characters from Star Wars: Darth Sidious the emperor, aka “ Dark Lord of the Sith,” and his side kick, good old Darth Vader.

It has now become politically correct to be a racist. What a chilling thought. Yes, it’s hard to see and feel thankful when we sense the darkness approaching, but thankful we must be. We have to give gratitude that we are still a diverse and free society, and we must be mindful to keep it that way, and everything else we hold dear to our hearts.

After signing all the petitions until your eyes are blurry and maybe even marching in protests you still don’t feel empowered, try practicing random acts of kindness. It can be something so small as smiling at a complete stranger, or giving a child a much needed hug. Maybe you could run an errand for an elderly neighbor, or give a co-worker a ride, or volunteering. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you expect nothing in return, and it comes from the heart. And that smile for the stranger may go farther than you could ever imagine.

Love is empowerment, and random acts of kindness will always trump hatred. So get out there and make caring contagious, and be grateful that you can.