Warmth from the Heart

“One love, one heart, one destiny.”  ~ Bob Marley

Place your hand on your chest and feel your heart beating. Keep your hand there a minute and feel the warmth from your heart circling all around you. Such a glow certainly is bliss.

The warmth from your heart is love, kindness and acceptance and is meant to be shared with everyone no matter the color of their skin, religious beliefs, or not, and station in life. We humans are one and none of us is better than the other, or more deserving.

But, it isn’t just humans who deserve the warmth from the heart. All beings, all living things should receive the love and protection that we humans can and should give. We are the guardians of this planet and this beautiful place is depending on us to do the right things and protect it for generations to come.

We must stop spreading hate and destruction; they are poisoning the planet and its beings.

Put your hand on your chest and feel your heart speaking to you:  Hate will destroy us all. Love, kindness and acceptance are the solution.

“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”  ~ Mother Teresa