
Everything we do can have a ripple effect. The little acts of kindness, or meanness, the caring for nature, or trashing it. Literally how we act can have a ripple effect making deep imprints just like the ocean does along the sandy beach.

Let us all think before we act, and be the protectors of nature and all her beings, and the keepers of our planet.

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” ~ Mother Teresa

Go the Way of Gentleness


In this crazy world we’re living in, sometimes we see and hear disturbing things on the news and all around us. It’s enough to make us lose ourselves and become out of sorts. At times, we feel so irritated that we lash out at one another and become rude or even mean. That’s not us, and that’s not the way to live.

We need to bring back our gentler side when we feel this way. The soft side that makes us warm caring humans. Yes, it’s easy to become tough and non caring when the world is cruel, and the urge to put on the boxing gloves is very tempting, but fight that force.

Let’s try creating a world around us of gentleness, and just maybe the outer world will eventually act in kind.

“Where anger is a bursting flame, gentleness is a gentle rain.” ~ Fr. John Hardon


The World’s Beauty is Enough

“At some point in life the world’s beauty becomes enough. You don’t need to photograph, paint or even remember it. It is enough.” ~ Toni Morrison

When I’m sitting on my deck and looking out at the simplicity and beauty of nature the problems and ugliness of the world we live in disappears. All I see is beauty, and I wonder, with this beauty how can the world be so cruel?

Maybe in life we all need to stop what we’re doing and really go outside and witness the beauty that’s before us. When was the last time you went out in the darkness and looked up at the stars and talked to the moon? How about a sunrise or sunset?

The world we live in is filled with so much beauty but we’re sometimes too busy to notice. We hear all the bad stuff that’s happening to our world, and we fear this is a bad place to be. But despite what man continues to do, the beauty is always present.

When you find yourself surrounded by the beauty of nature that is the world you live in, it takes your breath away. Standing there in the stillness you know that you can never duplicate, or truly explain what you are feeling. You have now become one with the universe.