
“The earth has music for those who listen.” ~ Shakespeare

We are all just visitors here on planet Earth, and how long we will stay no one knows. But like all good visitors we should remember our manners and always be respectful and kind.

Visitors should always clean up after themselves, never trashing and polluting the area they reside. It’s always the responsibility of the visitor to take great care and pride and leave things in pristine condition so the beauty of the environment can shine through.

We humans are not the only beings visiting Earth. There are many creatures we share this place with. It’s all about living in harmony so we don’t disturb the delicate balance this place depends on. That’s why walking gently is so important. That’s why every action can have great consequences. Even the actions of how humans treat one another.

It may sound like a big burden having to be so careful while we’re here, but it’s not. It’s just common sense. When we are good to this planet the planet will be good to us.

Go outside and connect to Mother Nature. Breathe in the fresh air. See the beauty all around you. Fertile ground, flowers, trees, fresh streams, rivers and oceans. So much for the eyes to take in. These are the gifts, and so much more, this planet gives to us in return.

So before we depart from our wonderful visit, let’s make sure we’ve done a good job keeping our Earth safe, because we were a part of this sacred place while we were here.

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” ~ Albert Einstein

22 thoughts on “Visitors

  1. calmkate says:

    that’s the premise our traditional land owners lived by and the balance was kept!

    Now we must connect with that tradition to save our planet … well said 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hear, hear! You’ve written the truth. Our species needs to make some dramatic changes, before it’s too late.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. We should be taken out into nature as part of our learning in school. We cannot appreciate something we don’t know. Once learned we will give it more thought, more awareness of what it really is to us, and a love that we can only give because of what it gave us.
    Great post Michele, may it open us to a place that does appreciate what it has always shared with us 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

    Liked by 1 person

    • I like your idea Mark. I remember when my grandson was a baby how I would hold him as I walked around the backyard and pointed out flowers and bugs, trees, and the sky. I would tell him how important it all was and how we had to protect it. At seventeen he does care for nature, especially surfing in the ocean. Thank you Mark. xo

      Liked by 1 person

      • Then dear lady you have given the future a great big hug in sharing that love of nature to your grandson. That is the only way we can save her is by paying our love forward to those that will be our future 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋 xox

        Liked by 1 person

  4. This is beautiful writing and word to the wise! It is our responsibility to beware of the harm we’re doing and reverse it. Thank you for sharing this. ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Profound and inspiring post, Michele and the quotes are so potent and true. Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Holly says:

    Wow, you have written such profound words in a way no one else could have. I have heard it said by a family member, “Humans are the cancer of the earth.” Sad but true, those words. How often have we destroyed this most precious gift? It should not be. Yet it is all too often.

    I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiments you’ve shared here. We are but visitors on this planet, and taking good care of the gift we’ve been blessed with should be a priority for us all. Kindness to others, kindness to our planet, and kindness everywhere we can spread it — now that would truly change our world!

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful message! 🦋

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are too kind Holly, but thank you very much. I think humans just have a strange way of thinking where they think everything is for the taking and nothing is given back and a who cares attitude. It’s sad and I don’t get it. But maybe like Mark above said, maybe in school, kids should be taken out in nature and taught the importance of caring for the planet. I agree it starts with us and how we treat one another. If we could learn to love and treat everyone with kindness then we can start looking at our Earth and caring for it too.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Pam Lazos says:

    We’re like twin daughters from different mother, Michele. xo

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Efrona Mor says:

    Nice post and hear, hear! I read a book when a was about10 years old about how our world sang songs to us. I loved that book..

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thank you so much Efrona. I think our world does talk and sing songs to us. We just have to start listening.


  10. Kimie says:

    This is lovely♥️ Stewardship is. noble.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Thank you Kimie 🙂


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