Hi, my name is Michele Anderson, and I started this blog because I want to help people feel more connected to their life and experience the joy and peace that comes with that.

For decades I struggled with anxieties that kept me from truly living my life and experiencing the peace and happiness that we all have a right to. Through the loss of a job, I tumbled down into a deep depression and finally realized that I had been living my life in survival mode completely lost.

Something inside of me wanted more than just to survive–I wanted to feel good about who I was. I started on a spiritual journey and read everything I could on the subject. Some of my favorite authors are Dr. Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Louise Hay, Dr. Judith Orloff, Don Miguel Ruiz, and Jon Kabat-Zinn. What I learned on my quest was that we all have a right to be happy; we just have to choose to be.

I realized that I was carrying a lot of negativity–the result of wounds from a bad childhood. I knew that I had to heal myself, but the first step in doing that was to forgive–a very hard task for me. I had to forgive everyone who ever hurt me–including myself.

My journey of healing led me to writing a book, A Daughter’s Journey Toward Enlightenment. I’m still looking to get this book published.*ย  In the book, I take the reader on a journey of my life in the hope that by sharing my experiences I can help those that are suffering with the same negative emotions I had for my mom and myself, and maybe shed some light on helping us all to be mindful parents and better nurturers.

Thank you for visiting my blog, and please share your thoughts with me; I care about you.

Remember, you are not all alone on your journey, so ask for help when you are lost.

Sending love your way.

*ย 2018 update on publishing the book: I’ve decided not to publish the book in its current format and have set it aside for now.

93 thoughts on “ABOUT ME

  1. Hi Michele! I’ve nominated you for the Liebster award for new bloggers! http://wp.me/p1BT8Z-aY

    Liked by 3 people

  2. jennadee222 says:

    I love the way you write and I wish you every success with your book. Love Jenna ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. Hi Michele! Thank you so much for visiting Word Share Junkie. I’m glad you enjoyed my latest post on not settling in life. I think you and I have a very similar purpose in writing, and I love to see others on a journey toward happiness!



  4. Robert says:


    Your writings are like a wonderful series of meditations. Thanks so much, I have read several today, but like all good meditations it’s wise to digest them slowly and not gorge yourself at a single sitting. Will be back for more!


  5. Robert says:

    Don’t forget kind thoughts and feelings, that were only represented by words…you really did make my day!


  6. thelifeofababybuddha says:

    Hi Michele very inspiring blog. Good luck with your book. I wish you every success. Lisa โค


  7. helensamia says:

    Wishing you well with your book and your continuing search for peace for yourself and others…


  8. Zkye says:

    I just your way on writing (bare with my english) It touches the heart ..


  9. debcoats says:

    sending you much peace ๐Ÿ™‚ Peace in =’s Peace out ๐Ÿ™‚ you will find your way…


  10. ankushmehta says:

    Thank you so much for visiting and following my blog ๐Ÿ™‚
    It is really appreciated ๐Ÿ™‚


  11. MRS N, the Author says:

    Thank you for following my blog Princess of the Light and I wish you all the luck in the world getting your book published! Have a blessed weekend!


  12. I would read your book! I’m so glad I found you here. Blessings. I look forward to reading more.


  13. I totally agree with you about how it is very important to surround yourself with positive energies/thinking/people/etc. That is something I wish everyone could learn! This world would be such a better place! I appreciate your contributions to this effort.


  14. I awarded you the Awesome Blog Content award
    Click here to get it – YAY!

    Awesome Blog Content


  15. Thank you for the follow! You have an awesome blog!


  16. Joe Bradshaw says:

    Awesome are you and quite an amazing journey you are on, we have some of the same teachers and I look forward to what you share and learning with you. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you for being you! ๐Ÿ™‚ Joe


  17. What a kind and gently thoughtful ‘About.’ Eight years ago, someone very close to me suffered a kind of breakdown. He had a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering and had his own company – somewhere along the way he became overwhelmed and couldn’t manage it anymore. He spiraled downward to where he almost couldn’t function. That’s when I pleaded with him to come live with me and my family. He stayed for almost a year – in that year we went to therapists and there many, many days of conversations…ultimately, he stopped spiraling downward. He returned to a point where things leveled off. A few years later he met a terrific woman and they’ve since married and he’s happy again. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thank you for sharing your story.
    I’m glad you found your way back, too ๐Ÿ™‚


  18. Baldeep Kaur says:

    Hey!! Congratulations. You got an award. I nominated your blog for Liebster award. Keep up the good work . Happy inspiring!
    For details, please check this link-

    I like this award!!!


  19. Krishna Dev says:

    Hari Om, Michele,
    Lately, I’ve seen a lot of blogs but I dont feel connected with all of them.
    Its nice to have found you as a person through your blog. It takes courage to quit the rat race and create your own life, the way you want it. Where you do not live to satisfy the opinions of others.

    Krishna Dev


  20. floridaborne says:

    I saw a picture that looked like me at the age of 4. It was the exact same haircut and expression on the face. I clicked on the picture and it took me to your website. I don’t know the specifics of your childhood, but the journey toward healing had striking similarities.


    • Hi, Joelle, thank you for coming by ๐Ÿ™‚ That is very interesting how you found me. Those little picture poses and hair cuts were popular in the 50s and 70s so we may have been kids around the same time and had similar experiences. I’m glad you too found the road toward healing and a happy life.


  21. Michele,
    If you haven’t published “A Daughter’s Journey to Enlightenment” yet, why not self-publish? If you go to smashwords.com there you can download “Smashwords Style Guide” for free, and Adobe Digital Reader as well. To create the ebook cover, YouTube has tutorials showing how to use Microsoft “Paint” for that. The style guide from Smashwords is essential for ebook creation – saves a ton of headaches. If its hard copy go to createspace.com (Amazon), a little more tricky than ebook, but the help is there. Then add an ebook version at Amazon. Everything’s free.


    • Hi, Jerry ๐Ÿ™‚ Actually, I’m going to rewrite the book this summer. There are some things that I don’t feel the same about as when I wrote the book, and I have come up with some new ideas. Thank you so much for the information. I have decided that the only way to go is to self-publish. I’m going to look into the information that you have given me, it sounds really interesting–especially the Createspace at Amazon. As always, I just love it when you stop by.


  22. Hi Michele
    I am featuring one of your posts at my page on Facebook. It is called Spiritually Awake. I’m wondering if you use Facebook. If so, I hope you’ll check out my page there and maybe even consider contributing posts. โค

    ~ Eric


    • Thank you, Eric, for featuring me on one of your blog posts! I’m not on Facebook yet. I thought when I rewrite my book and self-publish that I would then start up a Facebook page. If there’s any way I could help you with a contributing post I would love to.

      Liked by 1 person

      • no worries… I’ll post some and let you know when I place them… I don’t know if you can view them if you don’t have a FB account though. Most authors have two FB pages (or more)… one for each book or discipline (etc.) and one for their interests that they choose to post. โค Eric


  23. Yayo says:

    Many~way too many~can, and will, relate to your message, Michelle. It is evergreen, and something our present world craves, if we only knew it! Do let us know when you’re on FB ๐Ÿ™‚


    • Thank you so very much, Yayo! I think it’s my purpose to help in some small way all of us on the journey of life. I will be sure to let everyone know when I’m on FB. Thank you again for your kind words ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yayo says:

        I meant them. And yes, Michelle, we are in dire need of help and healing. Every single hand contributes to mending broken spirits. Looking forward to seeing you ๐Ÿ™‚


  24. blondieaka says:

    Hi Michelle chanced upon your blog..I wish you luck with getting your book published. Can I just say that I had to google you as your Gravatar does not take you to your blog which means you are probably missing out on a lot of hits ( I was the same ) until another blogger pointed it out for me and the travel to mine has now increased wholesale. If you get stuck I will send you a how to do it ๐Ÿ™‚


    • Thank you for visiting my blog–it’s so nice to meet you! Thank you also for wishing me luck with my book. I need to get started with re-writing it. My goodness, I had no idea that my Gravatar is not working. I will look into that for sure. If I get stuck, I will appreciate the help.

      All the best to you ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      • blondieaka says:

        Nice to meet you to…I was the same as I said Michele and it’s actually amazing how many gravatars do not link to blogs ๐Ÿ™‚ Let me know if you need help ๐Ÿ™‚


  25. Denise Hisey says:

    Michele, I hope you continue working on getting your book published. It sounds like you have much wisdom to share with the world!


  26. Khris says:

    I am glad I am knowing you more. We are all together in this journey : )


  27. Aquileana says:

    Your words above moved me…
    Thanks for sharing a bit of your life… I am pleased to know you and glad to connect. Have a good week… Best wishes. Aquileana โ˜€๏ธ


  28. Nomzi Kumalo says:

    I am pleased to meet you. ๐Ÿ™‚


  29. alexraphael says:

    What an inspiring and helpful intro ๐Ÿ™‚


  30. Thank you, Alex, I’m so glad you like it ๐Ÿ™‚


  31. Hi Michelle!! Can you email me at warriorprincesscait@gmail.com? I wanted to talk to you about your blog and writing as a contributor but I can’t find a contact form on your blog. If this is something you aren’t interested in, no pressure or worries. Love your blog and you are fantastic. Best of luck! Hope to hear from you.


  32. studentzy says:

    Hi Michelle, how are you, I’ve been following you from my previous blog, since will no more longer that active in that, I decided to follow you in here, my new blog , for some reason that I love reading your personal thoughts.. Have a good day..


  33. Daal says:

    what a lovely site!


  34. I can’t believe I have not read your ‘About’ page before now Michele. Have you published your book yet? I realise it’s years since you wrote this page – so you probably have. ๐Ÿ™‚
    “I realized that I was carrying a lot of negativityโ€“the result of wounds from a bad childhood. I knew that I had to heal myself, but the first step in doing that was to forgiveโ€“a very hard task for me. I had to forgive everyone who ever hurt meโ€“including myself” – I can so identify with these words. It’s taken me ages to forgive – such a difficult thing to do when those who hurt you were supposed to have loved and taken the most care of you. I’m happy you were able to do this and bless us with your wisdom. Well done! Marie


    • Thank you, Marie for your lovely kind words ๐Ÿ™‚ No, I never published the book. I tried a little bit to find representation so I wouldn’t have to self- publish, but no one seemed interested. Then I got busy with everyday life and sort of forgot about the book for awhile. Later on, I thought maybe I’d just self-publish, then something happened–I wasn’t the same person anymore that wrote the book. Things in my life changed and I started to see my whole life in a new perspective. I’ve thought about changing the book to be more of a mother/daughter or parent/child theme, but I just have been too busy to sit and think about it. You have reminded me that I should update my “About Me” page–ha, ha, and that maybe I should take the time and rewrite the book. Thank you for your encouragement.

      Liked by 1 person

  35. Pazlo says:

    As you observe, we are, in fact, never alone.
    The greatest treasure the Great Cosmos has bestowed upon me is the enlightenment, the knowledge, that all things are equal throughout the limitless universe. I am kindred to every fly and leaf and grain of sand, every comet and meteor and star nebula.
    It’s a wondrous feeling of belonging, and I am indeed, never alone. Wherever I am, the cosmos reassures me, “I’m right here.”

    Seek peace,



  36. Laureen says:

    Thank you for following:) Made me very happy:)


  37. Dear Michelle, I hope your wonderful book gets published soon. Pray that it goes to the world, enriching them and you in multifarious ways.

    Liked by 1 person

  38. Thank you Parnett, I appreciate that ๐Ÿ™‚


  39. Nice to come by your blog. Also welcome to visit mine, hoping my travel tales bring some joy to you. Bliss.

    Liked by 1 person

  40. Thank you for dropping by. I will certainly visit your blog.


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