


“Summer is the annual permission slip to be lazy. To do nothing and have it count for something. To lie in the grass and count the stars. To sit on a branch and study the clouds.” ~ Regina Brett

What a wonderful time of the year. It’s a time for kicking back, and a time to reconnect with nature. Depending on where you live, summer may be brief so you want to make the most of it. That doesn’t really mean planning big vacations, or having ongoing summer parties. It means letting go and unwinding.

Remember when you were a kid stretched out on the cool grass looking up at the stars in wonder, or swimming by the moonlight? Unstructured time to ourselves is what we all need.

Speaking of being a kid, don’t over structure your children’s summertime. It doesn’t need to be overfilled with organized sports and places to be. At the same time, kids don’t need to be on their electronic devices all the time. It can become an obsession for them and that is never good. Kids need time to play, dream, and just be lazy—maybe watching the clouds float by. Balance is the key.

Nature gives us the gift of summer’s long days and warm nights to go exploring who we are, and to dream of what can be. It’s a valuable time for making memories, and for the soul to grow.

Go outside and take a deep breath and let yourself be part of summer.

“Summertime is always the best of what might be.” ~ Charles Bowden


Give Thanks

Go outside and look at all the life that surrounds you. It really is something isn’t it? Breathe deeply and let your stress pour right out. Relax those shoulders and feel the tension blow away with the falling leaves. Everything is good because you are alive. Give thanks for this life of yours and gratitude for the who you are so far.

Dream big my friends because that’s what you’re supposed to do. Just please don’t get lost inside yourself. Try flying with love as your co-pilot and stay above those clouds. Give thanks for the gift of life, and stay present never wasting even a second of the wonderful person you are.

“It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up.”        

~ Eckhart Tolle